Paste Magazine interviews Rahner about THE TWILIGHT ZONE - SHADOW & SUBSTANCE. Read it HERE.
The Beat interviews Rahner about ARMY OF DARKNESS/REANIMATOR. Read it HERE.
Bleeding Cool: Writer Commentary -- Mark Rahner on DEJAH OF MARS #1. Read it HERE.
Cosmic Book News interviews Rahner about DEJAH THORIS AND THE GREEN MEN OF MARS. Read it HERE.
Fangoria interviews Rahner about ROTTEN and Dynamite comics. "With a sharp eye for both gore and pin-point satire, Rahner is going to be the man to watch." Read the full interview HERE.
Lafayette Magazine interviews Rahner about comic writing and starting at the Lafayette Journal & Courier. Summer 2012. No link available. Scan coming.
Bloody Disgusting: "EXCLUSIVE: Hilarious Interview With Rotten Scribe Mark Rahner." Read it HERE.
"Blood and politics." The University of Washington Daily interviews Rahner and Horton about ROTTEN 2-8-12. Read it HERE.
Blurbed on the box for OSS 117: CAIRO NEST OF SPIES, a very cool spy comedy from France that Bill O'Reilly would despise as a matter of principle. 9-30-08
NEWSARAMA interviews me and Tom Peyer about our "GALVESTON" comic book, which didn't quite pan out like we thought. But that's a story for another time. 7-10-08
Comic Book Resources interviews me and Peyer about "GALVESTON," 7-14-08